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Baptist Distinctives


BIBLICAL AUTHORITY - We believe that the Bible is our final authority in all areas of life and worship.  


AUTONOMY OF THE LOCAL CHURCH - We believe that each local church governs itself.  The local church chooses its leaders, pastor, and missionaries to support.  There is no governing body over the local church.  



PRIESTHOOD OF THE BELIEVER - We believe that all persons, that are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, have access to the throne of God through prayer.  There is only one mediator between man and God and that is Jesus Christ. 


TWO ORDINANCES - We believe that the two ordinances of the Church are Baptism and the Lord's Supper.  These two ordinances can only be practiced through the authority of the Local Church.  



INDIVIDUAL SOUL LIBERTY - We believe that each individual has the liberty to worship God as the Lord leads and is accountable to God for all decisions.  No man or church has the right to force another person to believe the way they do.


SAVED & BAPTIZED CHURCH MEMBERSHIP - We believe that only those who have placed saving faith in Jesus Christ, and then have submitted to baptism by immersion after salvation, under the proper authority, meet the requirements for church membership.  


TWO OFFICES: Pastor and Deacon - The pastor's responsibilities to the church is to lead the flock, feed the flock through preaching, and protect the church from false doctrines and other dangers.  The deacon's responsibilities is to be a servant to the church to help the pastor give time to the preaching and teaching of the Word of God.  


SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE - The church does not govern the government, and the government does not govern the church. However, the church is designed to influence the government morally through the teaching and preaching of the Scriptures.  

Victory Baptist

Service Times & Location

Sunday Morning at 10:30 AM

Sunday Afternoon meets after a short lunch and fellowship. 


Oak Lawn Town Hall 

12404 State Highway 18
Brainerd, MN 56401

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